Entire population of indian origin upcountry tamil people is currently estimated as 1.5 millian. out of this .75 millian people live outside tea estates and elswhere in the country.only 50% of the people live and work at tea estates and this containes of 3800 families.in 1950 ,six decades ago 90% of above population lived and dependants of tea estates . because of lower wage and poor living conditions people are try to find works outside tea estats and distracted from tea industry.if this tendancy continues in for another five decades there going to be hardley any single workers family going to be left inside in a tea estate.

a tea estate with dwelings

a tea estate with dwelings

it is so cold

it is so cold
there is no way out

sun set pictures near galle

sun set pictures near galle


imbulpitiya tea estate near nawalapitiya from the distance

new developments

new developments
after 1972when the parliament passed land ceiling act the hill country border plantations were divided into small portions given to sinhala peasants colonnialising the plantation districts.

workers children.....it is difficult to smile

workers children.....it is difficult to smile

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

bitter berry

kiyehl;L vOj;jhsu; kd;wj;jpd; Vw;ghl;by;

Nfhg;gpf; fhyj;J
tuyhw;W ehty;

,uh. rlNfhgdpd; fre;j Nfhg;gp nkhopngau;g;G ehty; ntspaPl;L tpoh ,k;khjk; 26 Mk; jpfjp rdpf;fpoik khiy 4.30 kzpf;F nfhOk;Gj; jkpo;r; rq;f kz;lgj;jpy; eilngWk;. ,J fpwp];bd; tpy;rd; vd;w Mq;fpy ehty; Mrpupau vழுதிய bitter berry vd;w Gfo;ngw;w Mq;fpy E}ypd; nkhopngau;g;ghFk;.

kiyehl;L vOj;jhsu; kd;wk; Vw;ghL nra;jpUf;Fk; ,t;tpohTf;F ,r;rq;fj;jpd; jiytu; njsptj;ij N[hrg; jiyik jhq;Fthu;. gpujk mjpjpahf Nguhrpupau; Nrh.re;jpuNrfud; fye;J nfhs;tJld; rpwg;G mjpjpfshf Nguhrpupau; vk;.v];.%f;ifah> Nghuhrpupau; vk;.rpd;dj;jk;gp> tPuNfrup epUtd epu;thfg; gzpg;ghsu; jpU.Fkhu; eNlrd;> Njhl;l tPlikg;G kw;Wk; r%f mgptpUj;jp mikr;rpd; nrayhsu; jpU vk;.thkNjtd;> ,e;E}ypd; ntspaPl;lhsuhd R+upah gjpg;gf mjpgu; jpU mj;Jy n[af;nfhb MfpNahu; fye;J rpwg;gpf;fpd;wdu;.

,yf;fpa gpugyu; fhrpk; ckupd; Kd;dpiyapy; Kjw;gpujpia gpugy njhopyjpgu; Nf.Jiurhkp N[.gp mtu;fs; ngw;Wf;nfhs;thu;.

gpd;tUk; tpoh epfo;Tfspy; Ngr;rhsu;fshf fye;J rpwg;gpg;Nghupd; tpguk; tUkhW

tuNtw;Giu  fy;tp mikr;rpd; jkpo;nkhopg;gpupT gzpg;ghsu; jpUkjp [p. rlNfhgd;

E}y; mwpKfTiu  kiyehl;L vOj;jhsu; kd;w cg jiytu; K.rptypq;fk;

E}yha;T  Nguhrpupau; nr.Nahfuhrh jkpo;nkhopj; jpizf;fsk;. fpof;F gy;fiyf;fofk;

NtWgl;l epfo;thf E}y; tpku;rd fUj;jhly; ,lk;ngwTs;sJ. ,jw;F ,izg;ghsuhf ehlf fiyQu; v];.ghf;fpauh[; nraw;gLtJld; fUj;jhlypy; rpWfij vOj;jhsu; [p.Nrdhjpuh[h> ftpQu; R.Kuspjud;> fy;tp mikr;rpd; fy;tp ntspaPLfs; gpuptpd; gpujp MizahsUk;> vOj;jhsUkhd nydpd; kjpthzk;> fiy ,yf;fpa r%f Ma;thsu; Rju;kkfhuh[h> vOj;jhsu; ky;ypag;G re;jp jpyfu; MfpNahu; fye;J nfhs;fpd;wdu;. kw;Wk; ftpf; fj;jpr; rz;il tPr;rpid ,sq;ftp YZfiy ];uP epfo;j;j ed;wpAiuia gpugy vOj;jhsu; g.Mg;Bd; $w Vw;Giuia E}yhrpupaUk; Rftho;T rQ;rpif MrpupaUkhd rl;lj;juzp ,uh.rlNfhgd; epfo;j;Jthu;.

midtiuAk; md;Gld; miof;fpd;Nwhk;.